
Showing posts from March, 2018

Guide to Austin Greenbelt Entrances

Reroute no more! Here’s a list of Greenbelt access points. from The Austin Chronicle – Daily via Austin Statesman from WordPress

Will Austin Vote on CodeNEXT?

Petition filed with City Clerk. But is it legal? from The Austin Chronicle – Daily via Austin Statesman from WordPress

Five Recommended Austin Arts Events this Weekend

Instead of just staring dully at that Roseanne reboot, right? from The Austin Chronicle – Daily via Austin Statesman from WordPress

How to migrate your WordPress website domain name

Are you looking for a guide to migrate your WordPress website domain name? If the answer is “yes”, then you’ve come to the right place. Migrating a WordPress domain name is not an overly common occurrence. However, there are many instances where a website might be required to change its domain name. For example, your website might be penalized heavily by Google, and you want a new domain, or you might want to rebrand your business to a new name. Everything is fine until you have a proper reason to do so. In this article, we will focus on the tools and techniques that will allow you to migrate WordPress website domain name. Before we start, however, let’s try to understand the impact of migrating your website domain on your SEO. What is the impact of changing domain name on SEO? One of the most common questions that a website owner has is: what will be the impact of moving the domain name on SEO? As you might expect, Google will not respond quickly to the change in domain, and ini

Spring Things to Do in (or Around) Austin

How and where to take the most advantage of this weather. from The Austin Chronicle – Daily via Austin Statesman from WordPress

A guide to the standard reports in Google Analytics: Audience reports

Google Analytics is a tool that can provide invaluable insights into what’s happening on your website, your levels of traffic and engagement, and the success of your campaigns. If you’re a newcomer to Google Analytics, however, the array of different reports available to you can be a little overwhelming. Where should you begin? Where can you find the most useful data about your website? Google Analytics standard reports are the preset reports listed down the left-hand side of your dashboard, divided into the segments Real-Time, Audience, Acquisition, Behavior and Conversions. The information that appears in these is preset by Google Analytics, and gives an insight into the data on every part of your site, from your audience demographics to the channels through which they find your website. In this series, we’ve set out to tackle the ambitious task of explaining each segment of Google Analytics and the standard reports they contain. Last time, we looked at Real-Time Reports and how

“Juntos/Together” Ties Austin’s Activist Past and Present

Shedding light on action & initiatives by local minority communities from The Austin Chronicle – Daily via Austin Statesman from WordPress

12 tips to improve your reputation strategy

To grow and stay ahead of your competitors, you need to take a hard look at your reputation strategy. The online reputation of your business hinges on a variety of elements. It’s an ever-evolving digital mix-up of comments, reviews, blogs, and more. It’s time to take a proactive approach to improve your online reputation. Not sure where to start? Here are 12 tips to make your business shine under any consumer microscope. 1. Upgrade your Trustpilot account Trustpilot continues to sway consumers, and you probably have built up a few Trustpilot reviews for your business. But are you making the most of your Trustpilot account? By upgrading your Trustpilot account from free to paid , you get more personalized features to net more ratings and reviews. Paid Trustpilot features include: Personalized email address from sender Customizable review invitations to your customers Rich snippet star rating in TrustBox TrustBox optimization Imported product reviews Trustpilot paid feat

Google’s core algorithm update: Who benefited, who lost out, and what can we learn?

There’s been much talk recently about Google implementing a broad core algorithm update. A couple of weeks ago, webmasters started to notice changes to their search rankings which many suspected were due to an update to Google’s core algorithm. Google subsequently confirmed this via a tweet to its Search Liaison account, manned by former Search Engine Land editor and Search Engine Watch founder Danny Sullivan. Each day, Google usually releases one or more changes designed to improve our results. Some are focused around specific improvements. Some are broad changes. Last week, we released a broad core algorithm update. We do these routinely several times per year…. — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) March 12, 2018 Google has suggested that this update has nothing to do with the quality of content, and instead focuses on improving the quality of the SERPs. At SMX West, Nathan Johns, a search quality analyst at Google, stated in an AMA s

Keyword research: 5 ways to find great long-tail keywords

The SEO landscape is changing. RankBrain , Latent Semantic Indexing and voice search have placed a heavy hand of friendly persuasion on the SEO industry, resulting in a shift towards solution-led (rather than keyword-led) content. For years, short-tail and transactional keywords were the primary focus of SEO campaigns and, to an extent, they still tend to dominate the communication channels between agencies and clients. However, there is a clear acknowledgement on both sides of the fence with regards to the power of long-tail keywords. Evangelism by the likes of Rand Fishkin and Neil Patel, along with the popularity of ‘content marketing’, has no doubt helped fuel this adoption. The complexity of Google’s search algorithm means that they/it (/he/she?!) has a stronger grasp of the intent behind a search, rather than simply looking at the keyword strings that make up said search term. This has had a direct effect on how we plan our content and attract our target audience. Does tha

Why Google Shopping is dominating retail search marketing

As Google has scaled up its Shopping products in recent years, there has been a growing consensus in the retail search marketing space that Shopping ads are one of the most effective ways to win valuable consumer clicks. This is especially true of the non-branded, broader search terms that are typical of the early stages of the customer journey. During this phase, Google Shopping ads – commonly referred to as Product Listing Ads, or PLAs – are considered to be a key means of engaging consumers early, and boosting new customer acquisition. If the trends that we are currently seeing continue, 2018 will be a year of increased investment in Google Shopping ad formats across product-based search. While text ads are still the most popular advertising format in many categories, retail-specific categories tell a very different story, with spend on Google Shopping ads far outstripping text ads in retail categories. A new study by AI-powered search intelligence platform Adthena, analyzing 4

The merged approach: How combining traditional and digital brings marketing success

Digital is vital to the success of any marketing strategy. Or is it? It’s a bold statement but one that is only true if combined with traditional marketing, to really allow brands to effectively dominate the advertising space within their market place, regularly targeting and connecting with the consumer. Before the technology and social takeover, brands were able to gently position themselves in front of the audience using traditional techniques such as newspaper ads, TV appearances or radio mentions – all mediums that had the ability to direct customers to a brand. However, with the growing need for immediate information, and the changing ways in which consumers access it, brands have been forced to react, needing to dominate every advertising platform possible just to remain visible. With this comes a marketing strategy overhaul, marrying the simplicity and effectiveness of traditional techniques with the instant value brought through digital channels. The change in the custome

Three ways to up your video marketing game

Video marketing has been getting huge for a few years now. Videos allow companies to reach a wider audience (thanks to the popularity of powerful video marketing platforms) and to increase sales and conversions (videos have been found to be the easiest way to explain your selling points). But how easy it is to really see ROI from your video marketing campaigns? These days, every other company is implementing video marketing tactics in some way or another. Whether it’s publicizing video testimonials and reviews or creating educational video resources (in the form of webinars or courses), there’s a lot of brand-owned video content floating around. But how many of those companies have achieved real tangible results from those video production efforts? And what exactly is ROI when it comes to video marketing? Does it all come to investing huge budgets into video production and promotion? Not exactly. Here are three ways to up your video marketing game before you decide to invest more